?雞肉蔬菜番茄鍋 (約358大卡)...
?雞肉蔬菜番茄鍋 (約358大卡) \ \ ?食材:\ 雞肉塊數塊 (看你喜歡什麼部位都可)\ 番茄丁罐頭 X 1 \ 蔬菜數種 (我用了青黃紅椒、金鈕扣、洋蔥、蒜、青辣椒一條)\ \ 作法:\ 1. 雞肉先乾煎一下至表面金黃,拿起備用\ 2. 利用鍋內的一點點雞油把蔬菜炒軟後,把將雞塊放入。\ 3.
加約1000cc的水煮個10分鐘,最後再把番茄丁放進。\ \ 煮好後,我把我的部分先盛起來只用了黑胡椒調味,剩下的是陶先生的,我用了海鹽和黑胡椒調味。\ \ 澱粉的部分: \ 我的:冬粉30克\ 老公的:義大利麵 \ \ ?Chicken veggie tomato stew (1500KJ) \ \ ?Ingredients: \ Few pieces of chicken(you can use your prefer part) \ 1 x organic diced tomato 400g\ Any veggies (I used garlic, red, green, yellow capsicums, onion, yellow squash ,1 green chilli & broccolini)\ \ ?Instructions: \ 1. Pan fry chicken pieces til they are little golden on the surface and set the side.\ 2. Sauté all the veggies except broccolini with little a bit left over chicken oil on the pot. \ 3. put the chicken back to the pot and pour 1000ml of water, boil for 10 mins.\ 4. add a can of diced tomato and let it boil for another 10 mins, lid on. \ 5. add broccolini at the end for cook for another few minutes until it cooked. \ \ When it’s done, I dished out my portion first as I don’t want to add any seasoning but just black pepper. As for the rest, I seasoned fully for my hubby. \ \ I add 30 g of mung bean glass noodles for my starch. As for my hubby, he had it with pasta. \ _\ _\ _\ _\ _\ #重訓 #飲食管理 #健身 #健身計畫 #誰說減肥只能吃草 #低醣晚餐 #減肥餐 #增肌減脂\ #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #healthydiet #dieting #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlossrecipes #brisbaneblogger #australiablogger \ #減重 #減重餐 #減重日記 #減脂 #減肥 #健康 #健康ごはん #健康飲食 #ダイエット \ #ダイエット記録 #ダイエットメニュー #ダイエット食事 #ダイエット生活