每天我最期待的時刻就是早餐時間,這是我只要有空就在家裡會做的breakfast smoothie bowl \
1) 用香蕉 椰子水 冷凍莓果 打成base\
2)放上任何你喜歡的toppings 像是草莓strawberries 奇異果 kiwi 香蕉 ban
ana 南瓜籽 pumpkin seeds 奇亞籽 chia seeds 麥片等等 都可以\
兩個步驟 超級簡單~✌?\
This is what I eat for breakfast when I have time, it's super simple and easy to make. Simply blend banana, coconut water and frozen barries together as the base ( you can always add anything that you like in there, such as a mango coconut base, or peach pineapple base ect) then just top it with some healthy stuff such as fruits, granola, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds ect. \
#健康早餐 #breakfast #smoothiebowl\